Pupils from tundra have gone to schools of Yamal in time.
On Yamal campaign for gathering of schoolboys from among the radical small people of the Far North which conduct a nomadic or seminomadic way of life is finished.
Experts of department of formation YANAO have noticed that this year gathering of schoolboys-tundrovikov has passed more организованно: yesterday, on September, 13th, behind school desks 3754 pupils – radical northerners (97 %) were engaged, on September, 13th last year the quantity young hasn't exceeded 88 %.
In department have told that for gathering of children all types of transport have traditionally been involved: helicopters, water, railway and motor transport. On predesigns, all in seven Yamal areas and the city of Muravlenko it was necessary to collect 3880 persons. These children study in 32 educational institutions, including, at 24 boarding schools and five school boarding schools. Almost absolute gathering of children has been organized to the beginning of academic year in Muravlenko, in Purovsky, Nadym, Krasnoselkupsky and Yamal areas. Difficult weather conditions have introduced the corrective amendments on gathering of pupils in Priuralsky and Tazovsky areas. That all children have been delivered in schools, there it is necessary to make one more – two flights. Seventeen children from Shuryshkarsky area till September, 15th will bring to boarding schools parents.
Experts of department of formation YANAO have noticed that this year gathering of schoolboys-tundrovikov has passed more организованно: yesterday, on September, 13th, behind school desks 3754 pupils – radical northerners (97 %) were engaged, on September, 13th last year the quantity young hasn't exceeded 88 %.
In department have told that for gathering of children all types of transport have traditionally been involved: helicopters, water, railway and motor transport. On predesigns, all in seven Yamal areas and the city of Muravlenko it was necessary to collect 3880 persons. These children study in 32 educational institutions, including, at 24 boarding schools and five school boarding schools. Almost absolute gathering of children has been organized to the beginning of academic year in Muravlenko, in Purovsky, Nadym, Krasnoselkupsky and Yamal areas. Difficult weather conditions have introduced the corrective amendments on gathering of pupils in Priuralsky and Tazovsky areas. That all children have been delivered in schools, there it is necessary to make one more – two flights. Seventeen children from Shuryshkarsky area till September, 15th will bring to boarding schools parents.
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