71 thousand schoolboys of Yamal is ready to study

The governor of Yamal Dmitry Kobylkin has congratulated on Day of knowledge of all pupils, teachers, parents and students of region. On September, 1st, 2011 134 schools of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region have opened doors of the updated and repaired educational institutions for 71 thousand pupils, including 6820 first-graders and 4511 eleventh-graders.
Pupils and teachers of the very first school on Yamal № 1 in Salekhard have invited the Governor to a solemn ruler. For the first time the call on a lesson in educational institution has rung out in 1935. Today classes and laboratories of the oldest school of district are equipped by the advanced equipment. Congratulating teachers, parents and schoolboys on the beginning of academic year, Dmitry Kobylkin has noticed that "the new" school becomes the present house for первоклашек where it will be interesting to study. «Our children clever and talented. I am assured, educational process under new standards will help to open and develop individual abilities of everyone that we were proud of them. In a kind way»! - Dmitry Kobylkin has wished.
The governor has addressed and to pupils of the senior classes. «This educational year for many last call will sound. You will advance along the new road knowledge, arrive, be disaccustomed in HIGH SCHOOLS and … necessarily will return to Yamal! We – the authorities – from its part will make everything that life in region all became more comfortable every year», - the head of region hasn'ted.
With the first call Dmitry Kobylkin in an environment of pupils has gone to audiences to look, what technologies are applied in educational process. In the first classes, under requirements of new standards, will study on 25 persons. The labware is bought the advanced, is remarkable that all workings out domestic. Pupils of the senior classes instead of habitual writing-books have opened at once electronic. Sets of devices with subject programs are calculated for training of schoolboys of different classes. It is planned that teachers can distribute and check homeworks. Upon termination of excursion Dmitry Kobylkin has come into the school museum which history totals 77 years and as much Days of knowledge.
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