XXI-st century school on Yamal

The first school of the city of Muravlenko is included in the encyclopedia «Gifted children-futures of Russia» which is the independent version of the encyclopedia «Best people of Russia». Along with other leading educational institutions of the country SOSH № 1 enters into the list of the educational institutions stably providing a high educational level.
Teachers of school use innovative programs and modern techniques of teaching in the course of training. They aspire not only to give to the pupils qualitative knowledge and good education, but also to help them to choose correctly the future trade. Educational strategy here is under construction on idea of the lichnostno-focused training. The uniform teaching and educational space is formed by means of the interconnected innovative programs: "Support", «Training for choice at school of III step», «Scientific organization of pupils», "Trade", "Health", "Education", «Psychological support of teaching and educational process». Besides, projects «Scientific activity», «Social activity», «the success Formula» are included in the new program of development of school and others.
The educational institution has been noted by ranks of the winner in nominations «School of year» and «highest category School», awarded the diploma «XXI-st century School». Teachers and pupils became owners of grants of the governor of district and the President of Russia following the results of participation in competition of the educational institutions realizing innovative programs.
About school.
School – the coeval of the city of Muravlenko. It has accepted the first pupils in 1984. Today here it is trained more than 1300 children. In 1999 in СОШ № 1 preprofile physical and mathematical and chemical and biological classes with profound studying of some subjects have been opened, later they have been transformed to profile classes with addition of new directions — social and economic and information-technological.
Pedagogical collective SOSH № 1 is headed by Igor Nikolaevich Sasin.
In СОШ № 1 the scientific organization of pupils effectively works. Schoolboys investigate problems of ecology, history and sociology of Yamal, actively participate in district and All-Russia scientifically-practical conferences. Among them it is a lot of winners and prize-winners of youth forums «the Step in the future» (Salekhard, New Urengoj), «the Congress of young researchers Western-Siberian region» (Surgut), "Opening" (Yaroslavl), «Knowledge and creativity» (Obninsk), "Eko-2004" (Naro Fominsk), «Start in a science» (Долгопрудный), «the Step to the future» (Moscow). Pupils and teachers have created a museum which expositions are devoted history and culture of aboriginals of Yamal, the city of Muravlenko and the school.
Читайте другие новости из рубрики «Yamal news in English»

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