Optimisation of educational sphere
In Labytnangah continue to optimise a network of educational institutions. The purpose of optimisation of budgetary sphere — not only reduction of expenses, but also improvement of quality of rendered services at accurate execution of requirements of the current legislation. From 27 establishments of an education system it is already optimised five. As a result of optimisation in one educational institution two schools have merged, the interschool educational industrial complex has joined one of additional education establishments. The following planned stage of optimisation — a comprehensive school № 2. The school is located in the area kept away from city centre, unpromising in the demographic plan. Number of pupils in separate classes practically twice below standard (in the sixth — 14 pupils, in the ninth — 12), at school is not present a parallel of the tenth classes in general, in one eleventh are trained 18 persons. Average наполняемость classes of 15,6 pupils, at standard — 25. In total at school 281 schoolboy, them train and serve 118 workers. Position is aggravated with that the school is constructed in two floors in wooden execution, and under specifications operating now wooden schools can be only one-storeyed. One more serious problem consists that the pile field of a building of school "slips", does not maintain loading. Works on strengthening of a pile field which were spent repeatedly and for which considerable financial assets from the local budget expected result have been spent have not given.
Now formation management in details studies a question of redistribution of pupils, the passenger enterprise prepares offers on delivery of children by buses in other educational institutions. Experts in this connection do not exclude a variant of translation of some schools on a two-shift operating mode.« The given optimisation will allow to observe first of all requirements of the current legislation regarding safety of educational process and standard наполняемости classes, — the head of department of formation Svetlana Gritsenko explains, — in the second — to translate in the released premises the centre of children's creativity and the centralised accounts department, where number of children and workers much more low (that will allow to lower loading on a pile field) and by that to cut down expenses on service of two emergency shabby buildings where now these establishments are located ». Optimisation of the second school will allow to raise наполняемость classes at schools of a city to 24 persons the share of the pupils having on one teacher, accordingly, will increase and, as consequence, the wages of teachers will raise.
Prospective economic benefit of the given optimisation — more than 10 million rbl. In the circumstances, according to head of administration Sergey Karasev, the main thing — to employ all liberated workers. It is possible as a result of streamlining of loading of teachers-predmetnikov and the opening of a kindergarten "Magician" which are now on reconstruction.
Now formation management in details studies a question of redistribution of pupils, the passenger enterprise prepares offers on delivery of children by buses in other educational institutions. Experts in this connection do not exclude a variant of translation of some schools on a two-shift operating mode.« The given optimisation will allow to observe first of all requirements of the current legislation regarding safety of educational process and standard наполняемости classes, — the head of department of formation Svetlana Gritsenko explains, — in the second — to translate in the released premises the centre of children's creativity and the centralised accounts department, where number of children and workers much more low (that will allow to lower loading on a pile field) and by that to cut down expenses on service of two emergency shabby buildings where now these establishments are located ». Optimisation of the second school will allow to raise наполняемость classes at schools of a city to 24 persons the share of the pupils having on one teacher, accordingly, will increase and, as consequence, the wages of teachers will raise.
Prospective economic benefit of the given optimisation — more than 10 million rbl. In the circumstances, according to head of administration Sergey Karasev, the main thing — to employ all liberated workers. It is possible as a result of streamlining of loading of teachers-predmetnikov and the opening of a kindergarten "Magician" which are now on reconstruction.
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