The Yamal schools meet pervoklashka

The Yamal schools meet pervoklashka
New academic year on Yamal will begin for 70294 children. Total of the Yamal school students in new academic year on 2005 people more than in the past. For the first time 7440 Yamal first graders will sit down at school desks in the region.

At the Head of the region Dmitry Kobylkin, by the way, too the father of the daughter first grader, for September 1 – very saturated schedule. Participation in kindergarten opening in Nadym, schools in the item Urengoy, a kindergarten and a shelter for children in the item Purovsk is planned. In total in Knowledge Day, on Yamal four new educational institutions will open.

The new two-storeyed shelter for minors "Ray of hope" in Purovska is intended for temporary residence of children from 3rd to 18 years. Here to children there will be an emergency social help and to be made solutions of questions of their further device. On the first floor of a structure the dining room, a drawing room for public actions and musical occupations, a laundry and medical rooms are placed a reception for medical examination and preprocessing of children, a lobby from a drawing room for a meeting with parents, an inhabited cell for children of preschool children. On the second floor – some inhabited cells for children on age, a hall with a nature corner, a hall of physiotherapy exercises with an office of the doctor and a massage room, educational workshops, library, offices of the logopedist, the psychologist, a touch room. Total area of a new light spacious structure – about 2,5 thousand sq.m.

\In the settlement Urengoy the three-storeyed school on 800 places is constructed. Total area of building – over 4,5 thousand sq.m. At school a spacious lobby with clothes, educational classes, the modern nutrition unit equipped with all necessary equipment and a lunch hall, workshops, the block of medical rooms, the assembly hall, library, the sports hall with razdevalny and utility rooms.

Design capacity of a new kindergarten in Nadym – 220 children. The kindergarten is put in operation completed with the processing, medical and game equipment, furniture, soft and economic stock, means of fire safety, office equipment. The territory of kindergarten and 12 street playgrounds is well-planned. In establishment conditions for protection and strengthening of health of children are created: sports and training halls, pool, winter garden, speleokamer. In a building there are rooms for carrying out correctional work with children: a logopedic office, an office for psychological correction, a touch room. For a full development of the identity of the child the kindergarten space is organized: fine art studio, musical and choreographic halls, drama school, computer class, offices of a foreign language, manual skills. Not less, are technologically equipped and completely correspond to the highest standards and other educational institutions under construction.

According to district department of education, at the territory of the district work 133 day municipal educational institutions and 2 orthodox gymnasiums. Work will be started by 6 280 pedagogical workers, including 24 young teachers who have won the first regional public competition for the best graduates of higher education institutions «New teacher of Yamal».

In 2012 on Yamal finished training at schools of 4415 graduates. From them 100 people were awarded by gold medals «For special successes in the doctrine» and encouraged with monetary awards.

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