Yamal "Water-nymph" on encyclopedia pages

The Gubkinsky kindergarten "Water-nymph" under the direction of Tamaras Tkachenkos will be included in a heading encyclopedia "Russian education" «Exceptional children – the future of Russia». The Kindergarten became the owner of the Grant of the Mayor Gubkinsky in a nomination «Best preschool educational institution» twice. This year to children's educational institution 15 years were executed.
Yamal "Water-nymph" is known in all region. In 1999 here has been opened dorozhno-galechnyj the pool, similar to which isn't present not only in a city, but also on all peninsula Yamal. With its help platypodia correction is spent, children can in it not only with pleasure to lap and frolic, but also to strengthen the immunity. In 2007 on the basis of a kindergarten "Water-nymph" the modern, cozy physiotherapeutic office which has been recognized the best in a city has opened, and in two years the experimental platform on a theme «Pedagogical system of formation of health of children by means of physical training in the conditions of DOW» (the head — the doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor T.F.Orehova) is organized. This year the kindergarten has taken part in XV Russian educational forum and in the All-Russia professional competition «Innovatika in formation» where has presented experience on improvement of the preschool children living in conditions of the Far North.
In total kindergarten is visited by 160 children who are divided into 5 age groups. Children with pleasure visit medical and preventive procedures (physiotherapy, herbal medicine), drama school "Storytellers", a vocal circle "Sudarushka", a circle "Experts", creative club of joint activity «the Miracle. Focus. Game», and for the smallest is organized acrobatics section.
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