The children's theater of a fashion of a city Gubkinsky will go to St.-Petersburg on fashion show.
From January, 4 till January, 9th, 2011 in St.-Petersburg the international competition of children's and youthful creativity «the planet Future» IV festival «New Year's meteoric shower», social fund "Good deed" will take place.
The invitation to take part in festival the children's theater of a fashion has received "Ocharovane" formed on the basis of municipal educational institution of additional education of children «Children's school of arts №2» (Gubkinsky).
At the heart of creative activity of Children's theater of a fashion "Charm" lies acquaintance to the world of the Russian and world fashion, creation of a modern suit to elements of national motive, vanguard and haute couture. The theater of a fashion "Charm" is a member of Association of children's creative collectives of Russia «the Gold needle». During existence of Theatre of a fashion to the public there were some collections: «Native open spaces», «the Country washing, Cervine», "Severjanochka", «the Yamal souvenir», «My city» and others.
Let's notice that will represent at festival-competition the Yamal theater of a fashion of a collection "Severjanochka" and «Magic tynzyan», created on motives of Nenets clothes.
The invitation to take part in festival the children's theater of a fashion has received "Ocharovane" formed on the basis of municipal educational institution of additional education of children «Children's school of arts №2» (Gubkinsky).
At the heart of creative activity of Children's theater of a fashion "Charm" lies acquaintance to the world of the Russian and world fashion, creation of a modern suit to elements of national motive, vanguard and haute couture. The theater of a fashion "Charm" is a member of Association of children's creative collectives of Russia «the Gold needle». During existence of Theatre of a fashion to the public there were some collections: «Native open spaces», «the Country washing, Cervine», "Severjanochka", «the Yamal souvenir», «My city» and others.
Let's notice that will represent at festival-competition the Yamal theater of a fashion of a collection "Severjanochka" and «Magic tynzyan», created on motives of Nenets clothes.
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