The children's center "Ostrovok" of the city Tarko-Sal is included in the encyclopedia «Exceptional children — the future of Russia»

The children's center "Ostrovok" of the city Tarko-Sal is included in the encyclopedia «Exceptional children — the future of Russia»
Since 2005 heads "Island" Irina Klimov. Then in "Island" the staff of teachers increased, there were first creative studios, circles on interests. Pupils and teachers began to take part in various actions of city, regional and district levels, became their prize-winners and winners.

Today on the basis of the center children's public associations of scouts — «A polar owl», volunteers — «Team of good will» and beginning leaders — «A workshop of the leader» operate. In the creative associations "Samodelkin", "Businka", "Biseropleteniye", «The woolen fairy tale», "Design class" pupils of the center comprehend elements of needlework and design art. "C sharp" — association for the teenagers, wishing to learn game on a guitar. Association occupations «Bases of orthodox culture» take place in the temple, when studying bases of Orthodoxy, children join in various creative activity: drawing, biseropleteniye, molding, origamis.

"Island" cooperates with city schools, public organizations and the enterprises. Leaders and scouts from "Island" — welcome guests in city kindergartens where they conduct competitions and games for children.

On the basis of the center the projects which have become the traditional are successfully realized: the city professional orientation project «I — the professional», a regional festival of volunteers «The good road», a regional festival of pedagogical skill «we Know! We are able! Let's teach!», charitable fair «Present to the child a step to new life».

In December, 2011 of DYuTs "Island" became the winner of interregional competition on award award «A white bird» in the nomination «For successes in educational activity in the field of healthy lifestyle promoting among children and youth».

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