Spring Week of Good has opened the embraces for peoples

Salekhard a unique city in the world which is on the Polar Circle. In our city of 9 months winter, but despite of cold weather Spring Week of Good has opened the embraces for peoples.
For townsmen the action "Spring-good-salehard" started the eighth time. Action opening has taken place on April, 16th, has begun with a sightseeing tour for children of invalids and wards MU «the Socially-rehabilitation center for minors"Trust"on sights of a city. Public organization« Jeep-club ЦЕТАН »having decorated the cars with flags of Russia, Yamal, Salekhard and the action"Spring-good-salehard"a beautiful column accompanied the bus with children. Within the limits of excursion has passed solemn crossing of the Polar circle where each child has received from the Fairy of Good обдорскую the reading and writing about crossing and gifts from Head Administratsi of a city and the Deputy of a municipal duma V.A.Agafonovoj. Representatives of public associations have taken part in action, creative collectives of a city.
Within the limits of the action "Spring-good-salehard" charitable driving in the Ice palace for children from needy families has taken place. The fairy of Good communicated with the assistants, joked, played different games. All participants of action remained are happy and have promised next year to take part in the similar action with the great pleasure.
In all town establishments in different forms pass lessons of good which involve each time more and more participants. As a rule, pupils, students and small townspeople become them.
The fairy of Good with the retinue has visited kindergartens, schools, HIGH SCHOOLS of a city with the action «Obnimashki and улыбашки». Children, pupils and students with pleasure answered questions of the Fairy on good and as played games, have received sweet entertainments.
On April, 20th the Fairy of Good with the retinue and representatives of Salekhard city council of veterans of war and work, Armed forces and Law enforcement bodies has visited older persons. It had been transferred grocery sets from businessmen of a city, kind words are told. Older persons gifts and so sudden attention have touched to depth of soul. Very few people could be kept from tears.
Representatives of Salekhard city public organization of veterans of Afghanistan have collected money resources to which necessary things for children's tubercular branch have been bought and transferred.
Throughout the action "Spring-good-salehard"
On April, 22nd city the organization "Youth parliament" on city streets will spend flesh-mob «Exchange a cigaret for a sweet».
Volunteers of city Salekhard branch «Union of Women of Russia» carry out the action on gathering of things, toys, books for inhabitants of northern distant settlements.
And also the most sympathetic townsmen continue to bring in organizing committee of a thing, a toy, gifts to the needing.
The action «the Scarlet line from Heart to Heart» (gathering of donor blood) proceeds. According to participants of the action, they receive the big pleasure from thought that there can be their blood will save someone's life.
Having looked at enthusiasm with what participants join in actions, the Fairy of Good has noticed that this impulse goes with all the heart, from sincere desire to make a good deed.
The action in Salekhard proceeds!
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