On Yamal has passed competition «the Best lesson of the letter – 2011».

On Yamal has passed competition «the Best lesson of the letter – 2011».
This year as organizers of a district stage of the All-Russia competition «the Best lesson of the letter – 2011» have acted Management of a federal mail service of Yamal-Nenets joint-stock company – branch FGUP «Mail of Russia» together with TORMENTS «the Centralized library system of Salekhard» and Department of formation YANAO. The All-Russia stage of competition is spent since 2003, competition passes in our region the fifth year successively and every year causes the increasing interest among pupils and teachers of district.

Competition has got wide popularity among pupils and teachers of the Russian Federation, including Yamal-Nenets autonomous region. In 2008-2009 4 763 schools, 10 965 classes have taken part in competition. Total of the competitive works participating in «the Best lesson of the letter», more than 150 thousand written at schools, colleges, grammar schools, in professional educational institutions, HIGH SCHOOLS.

In 2009 in organizing committee of Management of a federal mail service of Yamal-Nenets joint-stock company – branch FGUP «Mail of Russia» 63 works have arrived, participated more than 13 schools. In 2008 in organizing committee 50 works have arrived. In 2010-291 works.

Competition overall objective - revival of the Russian traditions of an epistolary genre, concentration of attention of schoolboys on values of a native language. Besides, competition gives the chance to teachers to prove in working out of new techniques of carrying out of employment and school actions on which children and teenagers receive skills of a correct writing of the letter – business, official, personal.

Start has been given new IX All-Russia competition «Best lesson of the letter» in a concert hall of a main library of the Moscow state university of M.V.Lomonomova on October, 15th, 2010.

IX All-Russia competition «Best lesson of the letter» passes on following nominations:
With what the Native land begins? »;
«The letter into a space orbit», the theme is devoted Year of the Russian astronautics;
«Mum, the father, I - a sports family», a theme is devoted the Olympic games in Sochi of 2014;
«The letter in 1941 year», the theme is devoted 70-year-old anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War;
«The hero of our time»;
«I study at M.V.Lomonosova», the theme is devoted the 300 anniversary from the date of M.V.Lomonosova's birth;
The best methodical working out of carrying out of the Lesson of the letter;
Take part in competition can not only pupils, but also teachers of schools and high schools, heads of children's creative associations. District competition «Best lesson of the letter» is spent since October, 08th on may 15. The best works go in FGUP «Mail of Russia» for the further participation in the All-Russia competition.

Take part in competition can not only pupils, but also teachers of schools and high schools, heads of children's creative associations. District competition «Best lesson of the letter» is spent since October, 08th on 15мая. The best works go in ФГУП «Mail of Russia» for the further participation in the All-Russia competition.

Competition is spent on following age categories:

Younger link: (with 1 on 4 class);
Average link (with 5 on 8 class);
The senior link (with 9 on 11 class).

Methodical workings out and letters on the above-stated nominations go to organizing committee of competition with a mark «the Best lesson of the letter» of the address: 629007, YANAO Salekhard of street of Lenin 36, with instructions of a full name, a patronymic, a surname, the address, phone (the educational institution and class name - for pupils).

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