Winners of competition «the Best lesson of the letter - 2011» have received well-deserved rewards
Young masters of an epistolary genre and their teachers celebrated on December, 12th in the Concert hall of the Palace of children's creativity. Among the awarded teachers there are also our fellow countrymen - teachers of MOU SOSH of №2 Salekhard Gladkov Valentine Vinadievna, Kashaeva Valentine Vladimirovna, become by winners in a nomination «Best methodical working out». The winner in this nomination recognizes Igor Sheyin, the teacher of Russian and the literature of school №10 it K.E.Tsiolkovsky of Kirov. To winners in a nomination «Hero of our time» there was Lebedev Julia Vladislavovna's November schoolgirl, the talented schoolgirl from Panaevsky boarding school also became the winner in a nomination «I Study at M.V.Lomonosova».
During an epoch of rapid development of digital technologies and computer dialogue preservation of values of Russian and culture of written speech has special value. Socially significant competition of Mail of Russia «Best lesson of the letter» urged to solve this problem. It helps rising generation to get skills of a writing of personal and business correspondence, to learn to state competently the thoughts, to comprehend logic of the letter.
The assistant to general director ФГУП «Mail of Russia» Michael Romanchuk hasn'ted: «as to the worker of Mail of Russia it was very pleasant To me to see such relation to the letter. We live in a century of high technologies, but we continue to write letters. The letter remains, after all it bears in itself warmly hands and to a shower of the person».
Winners of competition «Best lesson of the letter-2011» of a steel Krivjakova Elizabeth (the Ryazan region, a nomination «the Letter from a space orbit»), Maryin Maria (the Kemerovo region, a nomination «With what begins the Native land?»), Logutov Cyril (the Tver region, a nomination «the Father, mum, I – a sports family»), Volodina Elizabeth (the Penza region, a nomination «the Letter per a 41-year»), Mihno Elena (Krasnodar territory, a nomination «Hero of our time»), Sviridov Maxim (the Rostov region, a nomination «I Study at M.V.Lomonosova»). The award from the World postal union was received by Maksimenkova Darya, the pupil of comprehensive school of №1249 of Moscow.
The winner of a nomination for teachers «the Best methodical working out of carrying out of the Lesson of the letter» recognizes Igor Sheyin, the teacher of Russian and the literature of school №10 it K.E.Tsiolkovsky of Kirov.
To congratulate talented schoolboys of our Native land guests of honor have come: the president of the Russian Academy of Education Nikolay Nikandrov, the chairman of Trade union of workers of communication of Russia Anatoly Nazejkin, the pro-rector of the Moscow state university of M.V.Lomonosova Tatyana Kartava, the director of the Moscow city palace of children's (youthful) creativity Andrey Shashkov, the tenfold champion of Soviet Union on basketball Evgenie Kovalenko, the space pilot, Twice the hero of Soviet Union Victor Gorbatko, the deputy minister of agriculture of Russia Alexander Tchernogorov, a deputy head of Federal communication agency Dmitry Panyshev, the representative of the Moscow Council of veterans of war, work, armed forces and law enforcement bodies Ivan Horkov.
«Today in a course not only simple, but also electronic letters. But our country is so huge that in many hard-to-reach spots still wait for usual letters. Also it is necessary to tell thanks teachers, employees of Mail which have organized competition on places». Alexander Tchernogorov has noticed importance of that a large quantity of finalists – inhabitants of countryside. «Pleases, as on village children prove extremely adequately, concede nothing to inhabitants of big cities» - Dmitry Panyshev in the performance has told.
The All-Russia competition «Best lesson of the letter» is spent by Mail of Russia together with the Moscow State University of a name of M.V.Lomonosova and «the Teacher's newspaper» with support of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of sports, tourism and the youth policy of Russia, Committee GD by training the Russian Federation, the Russian Academy of Education, the Union of writers of Russia, Rossotrudnichestva and of some public organizations.
For nine years of existence of competition in it have taken part more than one and a half million schoolboys and their teachers. The idea of competition is prompted by the richest Russian traditions of writing and features of the validity surrounding us. Participation in «the Best lesson of the letter» helps children to adapt with the modern world and allows an occasion to think on serious socially significant themes.
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