Weather of Labytnanog hasn't spoiled opening of a new kindergarten

"Smile" the initial mission thanks to children's home reorganization is returned a building of a kindergarten. During the summer period in a kindergarten out repairs of all premises are carried, window blocks of the ground floor are replaced, engineering networks are partially replaced, in group premises of the ground floor heat-insulated floors are mounted, new sports and game complexes are got. By the way, financial support in the size of a half-million of roubles on acquisition of toys in two new kindergartens was rendered by the deputy of the Tyumen regional thought Igor Nak. And all for kindergarten repair it is spent an order of 13 million roubles from means of the city budget.

Opening a kindergarten head of administration Sergey Karasev has thanked the Governor of Yamal for understanding and support. Sergey Viktorovich has stated special words of gratitude to contract organization for the qualitative work observed in rigid terms and in the conditions of limited financing. Words of gratitude from head have sounded also to employees of formation whom, without reckoning with target, whole families prepared "Smile" for opening. Gratitude words have sounded and to all social sphere of a city. «Kindergarten repair is executed exclusively at the expense of means of the local budget, it means that all other spheres should« be pressed down »in the expenses, but these means are enclosed in children so — in our future», — Karasev hasn'ted.

The kindergarten is calculated on 180 places. Work in it will be conducted in four directions: is art-esthetic, intellectual, fizkulturno-improving, socially-personal.

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