At state employees of Labytnangi salaries will grow up

The budget of Labytnangi will increase by 200 million rbl. under incomes and more than on 500 million — under expenses.

As the city administration press-service informs, incomes will grow thanks to increase in gratuitous receipts from the district budget.

Additional means will be directed on increase in wages to state employees on 6, 5 %, on end of building of children's polyclinic and the termination of reconstruction of a kindergarten, acquisition of the medical equipment, carrying out of repairs in apartments of veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

Besides, the volume of financial resources will be increased by capital repairs жилфонда and repair of roads, on an accomplishment and children's playgrounds, on a pulling down of the thrown objects and the maintenance пожводоёмов, on carrying out of repairs of objects of social sphere and on the decision of other vital questions for a city.

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