To veterans of the Second World War have promised apartments

To veterans of the Second World War have promised apartments
«Living conditions on the Far North very uneasy, therefore we also have made such decision», – the governor of district has declared. State employees will feel increase in the the salary in March of this year. To increase the salary it is planned on 6,5 %. Means from the district budget it is already allocated.

Also for the first time in region the living wage and the minimum wage rate were made even, each of them is equal now to 9500 roubles. Besides, from the beginning of 2010 in district on 30 % the student's grant "has grown up" also. For all these increases from treasury it is allocated 1,670 billion roubles.

Besides, in Yamal-Nenets joint-stock company reindexation carrying out is planned for 10 % of all social payments. The governor of district has underlined that the given decision was accepted taking into account real inflationary processes. As the district will allocate from the regional budget of means for repair and acquisition of apartments for veterans of the Second World War. On realisation conceived from treasury it will be directed about 165 million roubles.

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