On Yamal the minimum wage rate is increased

On Yamal the minimum wage rate is increased
Since March, 1st on Yamal the new regional agreement on the minimum salary in the region, signed in December of last year representatives of the Yamal association of the organizations of trade unions, the Noncommercial organization «Association of employers of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region» and executive powers of the government of Yamal has come into force.

Signing the agreement, the parties started with social and economic conditions and size of a living wage of able-bodied population in autonomous region and have agreed about an establishment for the Yamal workers, except for workers of the federal organizations, the minimum salary at a rate of 11171 roubles, the press-service of a city administration of Labytnangi informs. Earlier the size of the minimum salary made 9536 roubles.

The established minimum wage rate includes a salary of the worker taking into account regional factor and in the full size of the earned percentage extra charge, surcharges and extra charges of compensatory character, including for work in the conditions deviating from normal, of surcharges and extra charges of stimulating character, awards and other incentive payments provided by system of payment, the compensatory payments provided by the district legislation.

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