Debts under the salary in JANAO are!

The debts on wages in Yamal-Nenets autonomous region, according to statistics bodies, no, and, according to Office of Public Prosecutor, exceed 86 million roubles, Debts under the salary in JANAO is!

The debts on wages in Yamal-Nenets autonomous region, according to statistics bodies, no, and, according to Office of Public Prosecutor, exceed 86 million roubles.

As the press-service of governor JANAO informs, at session of an anti-recessionary staff at the governor it was noticed that the total sum latent, that is formed before September, 2008, under the salary has made debts more than 86 million roubles on 65 organisations concerning 1,3 thousand persons.

«In management of Federal Agency of court enforcement officers on execution there are 977 executive manufactures about debts collecting on wages», – is told in the message.

As the press-service of governor JANAO informs, at session of an anti-recessionary staff at the governor it was noticed that the total sum latent, that is formed before September, 2008, under the salary has made debts more than 86 million roubles on 65 organisations concerning 1,3 thousand persons.

«In management of Federal Agency of court enforcement officers on execution there are 977 executive manufactures about debts collecting on wages», – is told in the message.

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