Young doctors of Yamal will receive on 2 million roubles

Young doctors of Yamal will receive on 2 million roubles
The governor of Yamal Dmitry Kobylkin has signed the district governmental order according to which the separate categories of medical workers working in rural settlements of region, will receive rather impressive single compensatory payments.

Let's remind, the first payment at a rate of 1 million roubles from the federal budget is given to medical workers aged till 35 years. Medics should have the higher vocational training, and official bodies of public health services of Yamal should be a place of their basic permanent job. The main condition for indemnification reception is arrival for work after the termination of medical high school or moving from other settlement in rural settlements of district in 2011-2012.

Let's notice that with a view of increase of efficiency of realization of a state policy in the field of social support of medical workers of countryside, the same decision, on similar conditions, on Yamal establishes additional payment at a rate of 1 million roubles at the expense of the district budget. Thus, young health care providers will receive on 2 million roubles.

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