Habitation - young!
Within the limits of realisation of a family and demographic policy in territory of Yamal as a part of the district target program "Dwelling" the subroutine «Maintenance with habitation of young families» is actively realised. We will remind that a young family that where to each of spouses it was executed no more than 35 years, and if a family incomplete the age of the parent should not exceed 35 years is considered. In a year of reception of social payment at a birth (adoption) of the child (children) and preservation of the status of a young family the additional grant is paid. In connection with family replenishment for the additional help can apply and those families who in previous years has received social payments at the expense of means of the district budget.
This year to the city of Labytnangi it is allocated 46 million 165 thousand roubles. June was the most fruitful in realisation of the given subroutine. This month became successful for 24 young families. For them already all behind: search of suitable apartment, gathering and official registration of papers, have taken place also house warming. While for granting of social payments it is spent 28 million 924 thousand 420 roubles. Thanks to financial support of the state during the first half of the year of 37 young families have solved the housing problems.
In June of the certificate on the right to reception of social payment to acquisition (building) of habitation have received 14 more families. For half from them pleasant efforts on purchase of apartments come to an end, the others prepare documents for registration of transactions on real estate purchase.
In spite of the fact that the holiday period in the heat, program realisation does not stop. In July 1 more young family became the owner of the housing certificate.
This year to the city of Labytnangi it is allocated 46 million 165 thousand roubles. June was the most fruitful in realisation of the given subroutine. This month became successful for 24 young families. For them already all behind: search of suitable apartment, gathering and official registration of papers, have taken place also house warming. While for granting of social payments it is spent 28 million 924 thousand 420 roubles. Thanks to financial support of the state during the first half of the year of 37 young families have solved the housing problems.
In June of the certificate on the right to reception of social payment to acquisition (building) of habitation have received 14 more families. For half from them pleasant efforts on purchase of apartments come to an end, the others prepare documents for registration of transactions on real estate purchase.
In spite of the fact that the holiday period in the heat, program realisation does not stop. In July 1 more young family became the owner of the housing certificate.
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