Young a family of Yamal will acquire comfortable housing

Since the beginning of year already 214 young families on Yamal received social payments on acquisition or housing construction. The total amount of monetary payments made more than 173 million rubles. On the average, the family from three people as social support receives more than 790 thousand roubles, and payments for a family from the 4th people exceed 1 million 50 thousand rubles.
It is planned that within a year about 1,5 thousand young Yamal families will use the right to the state support. The total amount of the means planned for these purposes, exceeds billion rubles. 92 % from all volume of the allocated allocations are already transferred in municipalities. Now about 560 young families are engaged in selection of options of housing. After they will pick up for themselves suitable apartments, they will receive social payment on their acquisition.
Let's remind, with an initiative to provide young, and also to large families of Yamal the concrete help for the solution of the most important - a housing question - the Governor of the autonomous region acted. Dmitry Kobylkin didn't hide scales of a problem and honest said that Yamal lags behind on many indicators averages about the country, besides, that is the donor region. «The situation when actually every second house in the district was shabby, was inadmissible. Thus by 2010 birth rate level at us already for 18 percent exceeded the all-Russian indicator. It was necessary to solve this question urgently. We actively started to build, more precisely, to build up all Yamal. On input of new housing by 2015 we plan to leave for one million with superfluous square meters. And I consider the help to young families as the extremely important. They should bring up children in normal - comfortable conditions, at them ahead all life» , - Dmitry Kobylkin speaks.
Let's note, in the second quarter 2012 within the district subprogramme some directions of use of payments changed. Now subsidies can be used at the conclusion of the contract of assignment of the rights of requirements at share construction, on payment of an initial contribution when receiving a mortgage, and also on purchase of secondary housing.
Receive state support families in which both spouses have nationality of the Russian Federation can, constantly live in the territory of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and are needing improvement of living conditions. The important requirement - age of each of spouses, or one parent in an incomplete family - isn't more senior than 35 years. Besides, the cumulative income of a family should allow to pay housing purchase in that part which exceeds the amount of social payment.
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