To the 80 anniversary of Yamal idle pensioners will receive material aid.

n connection with the 80 anniversary from the date of formation of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region with a view of additional social support of the idle pensioners who have brought the considerable contribution to development of region, the autonomous region Government in 2010 establishes material aid at a rate of 2000 roubles.

Material aid will be received by the idle pensioners who have worked in the organizations, located on territory of Yamal, not less than 15 calendar years, and invalids – not less than 10 calendar years, from among citizens of the Russian Federation, constantly living in district.

As haven'ted in department on work and social protection of population YANAO, material aid is appointed without истребования the statement and additional documents to the citizens consisting on the account in body of social protection of the population as of December, 1st, 2010.

Material aid payment will be made till December, 10th of current year by transfer to the personal accounts of citizens opened in credit institutions, or through mail service branches.

Let's note, material aid will be received by 43 532 persons. Expenses of the district budget accordingly will make 89 634 thousand roubles.

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