Bathing in fonts will be safe

Bathing in fonts will be safe
In the State inspection on small size vessels GU of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia on YANAO from autonomous region municipal unions 20 demands for the organization and technical survey fonts have officially arrived. Most of all places of bathing (8) - in Purovsky area, the least quantity (2) – in Tazovsky area.

It is examined and admitted to use by inspectors of 13 reservoirs:
- The river of Poluj, - Salekhard;
- The river of Hanmej – Labytnangi;
- The river Small Ob – the item of Muzhi;
- The river Right Hetta – the item Pravohettinsky;
- The river of Pjaku-Pur – Gubkinsky, Tarko-fat;
- The river Nadym – Nadym;
- The river Small Jumba – the item Jar-fat;
- The river the Basin – the item Tazovsky, the item Gas-fat;
- The river of Pur – пгт. Уренгой, area of Korotchaevo;
- The river of Sedo-Jaha in New Urengoj, and lakes anonymous in Muravlenko and settlements - Pangody and Hanymej;
- Lake Hanto in Noyabrsk.

The basic security measures on water objects during carrying out of celebrating of the Christening:
1. Departure to fonts should be blocked barriers and prohibiting signs.
2. Prior to the beginning of a holiday the font should be reliably closed a board and be in the isolated tent (premise).
3. After carrying out of celebratory actions, the font should be reliably closed boards before freezing and ice formation, in order to avoid accident.
4. Depth of a font shouldn't exceed 1,2-1,8 meters;
5. The font on perimeter is protected by a protection, with lanterns on racks, at night the font and approach and withdrawal routes should be shined.

In connection with insufficient reservoirs this year, with a view of safety of people, the big congestion of people on ice won't be supposed. To fonts will suppose by turns small groups till 10-20 the person. As well as in previous years, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Measures will provide safety of people during bathing in an ice-hole, in common with rescuers Jamalspasa, employees of traffic police, police, first aid with technics and the saving equipment.

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