On the bridge through the river Pjaku-Pur movement is restored

On the bridge through the river Pjaku-Pur movement is restored
On the bridge through the river Pjaku-Pur movement of cars by load-carrying capacity to 30 tons is restored. The increase in loading at the bridge has occurred in connection with an establishment of low temperatures and ice strengthening on the river.

Let's remind, in the end of October the bridge on an entrance to a city Tarko-fat has temporarily terminated in connection with the admission ice. Transportation of passengers during this period was carried out by means of the steam-ship, and it was possible to go round a site on a highway Tarko-fat — Purpe through settlement Tarasovsky.

On an entrance to Tarko-fat high enough intensity of movement is marked. A day the bridge on this site use an order of six thousand automobile owners.

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