On Yamal the beginning of a high water expect in April

On Yamal on a high water it will be possible to give the exact forecast not earlier than April. Experts assume that the high water highest level will be close to norm, and on the rivers Nadyms, Pur and Synja are possible ice jams that for these places the phenomenon characteristic.

Preparation for a high water nevertheless has begun. Mens clean roofs of houses from snow. In the list – even about 20 various actions. It is recommended to local governments to check up carefully schemes of the notification and communication with settlements, expeditions, brigades of reindeer breeders, fishermen and hunters. Also it is necessary to spend work on survey and, necessarily, strengthening of moorings, water intakes, on protection against a high water iron and highways, bridges, objects of life-support and also to prepare transport for possible evacuation of people.

According to experts GU the Ministry of Emergency Measures of the Russian Federation on ЯНАО, in case of adverse development of a high water around possible flooding will appear 258 apartment houses in 13 settlements of Purovsky, Nadym and Shuryshkarsky areas. Vernal floods can threaten 26 various objects, a small piece of a highway and an electric main.

In the Yamal-Nenets Center on hydrometeorology and environment monitoring have informed that deposits of autumn of 2009 on большей district territories did not leave for average frameworks, and only in Ob, Nadym and the Basin they were on 20-30 % above average norm. However the winter 2009-10 has appeared more coldly usual: the monthly average temperature in December and January was on 5-11 degrees below norm. The present Yamal frosts have led to that ice on the rivers accrued faster the usual. Thicker, than usually, the ice armour has appeared on the rivers Pur in area Samburga, Sob in area Harpa and in riverheads the Basin. To the middle of March the water level in the district rivers was observed within norm.

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