Yamal is ready to river opening

Yamal is ready to river opening
According to assumptions on Yamal ice will go since May 14 2012 on June 6 2012г., that the little earlier in comparison with last years. On Ob between Salekhard and Labytnangami motions of ice are expected on May 20. Last winter stood out surprisingly warm and low-snow, the height of snow cover remained all winter in norm, thickness of ice on various sites of the rivers of 61-112 cm that is lower than norm approximately for 10 %. But nevertheless jams of ice which can lead to flooding of territories aren't excluded. For their prevention all will be accepted necessary measures.

At present a spring high water captured 68 subjects, in some the mode of an emergency situation is declared. In the 2nd regions the situation develops even more difficult: forest fires joined a high water.

At meeting also estimated preparation for fire-dangerous summer. At present, the cities and the settlements of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug are checked on "pozharoprigodnost". On control there should be all measures of opposition of fiery elements, timely cutting down of trees, check water sources in settlements.

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