The high water won't present serious threat to Yamal

The high water won't present serious threat to Yamal
At present on Yamal the high water yet didn't begin, observed on all rivers of the district, but in a place with that motions on Ob near Kazym Mys are already noted.

On forecasts in present, 2012, a high water not to deliver big efforts to the district population. Opening of the largest waterway of Yamal, Ob, near the cities of Salekhard and Labytnangi, is expected from May 14 to May 22.

Flooding as a result of ice jams can become the unique threat to settlements, during a high water. As a matter of experience last years, possible territories of flooding are already defined, 4 settlements can get to these areas.

For the purpose of flooding prevention, on the river, near the city of Nadym, the decision to carry out explosive works on an ice loosening is made. Explosions are planned for May 4 and 5, 2012, strengths of specialists of JSC Polyarnaya geofizicheskaya ekspeditsiya.

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