The forecast of emergency situations of Yamal
GU the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia on Yamal-Nenets autonomous region has published the forecast of possible emergency situations for the December received on the basis of the analysis, spent ГУ «the Yamal-Nenets center on hydrometeorology and environment monitoring».
So, the monthly average temperature of air in December is expected-19 …-23 °С that above norm on 10С. In the first decade of month fall of temperature of air at night from-17 …-22 °С to-30 …-35 °С, places to-40 °С, in the afternoon from-7 …-12 °С to-21 …-26 °С is expected. In the second and third decades fluctuations of temperature of air at night from-30 …-35 °С, in the third decade in places to-40 °С, to-13 …-18 °С, in the afternoon from-20 …-25 °С to-3 …-8 °С are expected.
The monthly amount of precipitation is expected about norm, in the west of autonomous region there is more than norm (23–50мм.). In all territory of district there will be a snow, places — blizzards, strengthening of a northwest wind to 15 km/s.
In spite of the fact that in December the ice cover on the district rivers is already generated completely, is frequent during this period the accidents usually caused by infringement of safety rules on ice are registered.
Characteristic for district in the winter of a blizzard and result of their activity — snow drifts, can lead to infringement of transport, power, economic and other communications between objects and areas.
In this connection, there is a danger of occurrence of incidents on зимниках: Salekhard — Nadym (Priuralsky and Nadym areas), Labytnangi — Muzhi — Hills (Priuralsky, Shuryshkarsky areas), Aksarka — Belojarsk — Salemal — Panaevsk — Jar — Fat (Priuralsky and Yamal areas).
Presumably, the quantity of technogenic fires in December will exceed mid-annual values on 65 % and will make 104 fires with destruction of 4 persons, traumas of 20 persons.
The quantity of road and transport incidents in territory of autonomous region and victims in December increases in them. On the average it is possible to expect about 92 road accidents (first of all — in the cities of Noyabrsk, New Urengoj, Nadym, Salekhard, Muravlenko, Gubkinsky, Labytnangi, in Purovsky and Tazovsky areas).
The reasons — non-observance of traffic regulations: infringement of a high-speed mode, rules of overtaking and maneuvering, sequence of journey of crossroads, an indiscipline of pedestrians; malfunction of the car, a bad condition of road, ice, drifts.
So, the monthly average temperature of air in December is expected-19 …-23 °С that above norm on 10С. In the first decade of month fall of temperature of air at night from-17 …-22 °С to-30 …-35 °С, places to-40 °С, in the afternoon from-7 …-12 °С to-21 …-26 °С is expected. In the second and third decades fluctuations of temperature of air at night from-30 …-35 °С, in the third decade in places to-40 °С, to-13 …-18 °С, in the afternoon from-20 …-25 °С to-3 …-8 °С are expected.
The monthly amount of precipitation is expected about norm, in the west of autonomous region there is more than norm (23–50мм.). In all territory of district there will be a snow, places — blizzards, strengthening of a northwest wind to 15 km/s.
In spite of the fact that in December the ice cover on the district rivers is already generated completely, is frequent during this period the accidents usually caused by infringement of safety rules on ice are registered.
Characteristic for district in the winter of a blizzard and result of their activity — snow drifts, can lead to infringement of transport, power, economic and other communications between objects and areas.
In this connection, there is a danger of occurrence of incidents on зимниках: Salekhard — Nadym (Priuralsky and Nadym areas), Labytnangi — Muzhi — Hills (Priuralsky, Shuryshkarsky areas), Aksarka — Belojarsk — Salemal — Panaevsk — Jar — Fat (Priuralsky and Yamal areas).
Presumably, the quantity of technogenic fires in December will exceed mid-annual values on 65 % and will make 104 fires with destruction of 4 persons, traumas of 20 persons.
The quantity of road and transport incidents in territory of autonomous region and victims in December increases in them. On the average it is possible to expect about 92 road accidents (first of all — in the cities of Noyabrsk, New Urengoj, Nadym, Salekhard, Muravlenko, Gubkinsky, Labytnangi, in Purovsky and Tazovsky areas).
The reasons — non-observance of traffic regulations: infringement of a high-speed mode, rules of overtaking and maneuvering, sequence of journey of crossroads, an indiscipline of pedestrians; malfunction of the car, a bad condition of road, ice, drifts.
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