For one days on Yamal there were 5 fires

For one days on Yamal there were 5 fires
On Yamal for the past days 5 fires, 3 of them — in inhabited sector are registered. Victims aren't present. In road and transport incidents 3 persons were lost.

According to the press-service of central administrative board of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia on Yamal-Nenets autonomous region, on December, 27th firemen of the Yamal area have rescued a three-storyed apartment house and material assets for the sum of 100 million roubles.

On December, 27th at 19 o'clock 16 minutes on point of fire protection has sat down Jar-fat the message on fire of the inhabited three-storyed house along the street Soviet has arrived. In 2 minutes fire profits on a scene. For fire extinguishing 25 persons of staff and 4 units of a special equipment have been involved. As a result of a fire the pile field on the area of 300 square meters is damaged and the glass cover of balconies in five apartments is broken. The cause of the fire is established.

On December, 27th at 18 o'clock 45 minutes on 472 kilometer to a highway have brought Salekhard-Surgut, car "BMW" on a strip of oncoming traffic and there was a collision with car. As a result of collision was lost three persons: 34 summer women and two men, 32 and 55 years.

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