On Yamal as a result of road accident three persons were lost

On Yamal as a result of road accident three persons were lost
In Yamal-Nenets autonomous region as a result of road accident on a line «Surgut – Salekhard» three persons were lost.

As have informed "UralPolit.Ru", the tragedy has occurred in the evening on December, 27th about 18 hours of 40 minutes on 472 km of a highway Salekhard-Surgut. Car "BMW-520" went from a city Gubkinsky towards settlement Purpe. Truck Freightliner with the semitrailer, turning off from the main road on minor, has stopped so that the semitrailer part remained on the basic highway. The driver of BMW, presumably, because of a night-time couldn't see in time partially standing on проезжей a part car Freightliner semitrailer. There was a strong collision. From blow to BMW car cut off a roof.

In the car at the moment of failure there were three persons. As a result of collision the 55-year-old driver, and also its 34-year-old daughter and the 32-year-old fellow traveler were lost on a scene. This day the driver of BMW had a birthday.

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