The employee of PPS of Salekhard made the road accident, one person was lost, three suffered

The employee of PPS of Salekhard made the road accident, one person was lost, three suffered
UMVD press service across the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug reports that road accident occurred on Sunday early in the morning in Salekhard. The employee of PPS was not on work and in civil clothes. Operating Volkswagen Passat and carrying out overtaking, the employee of PPS left on an oncoming lane where there was a collision with Toyota Corona.

As a result of road accident the passenger of Toyota was lost, to the driver and the second passenger out-patient treatment is appointed. The driver of Volkswagen is hospitalized with multiple fractures, its condition is estimated as heavy.

Blood analyses are taken from both drivers. Upon road accident check is carried out, the question of initiation of legal proceedings is solved.

In the message of the press service of UMVD across the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug it is said that in case of confirmation of fault of the employee it will be dismissed from law-enforcement bodies, and his heads are involved in a strict disciplinary responsibility up to dismissal.

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