In Salekhard pass command and staff doctrines

In Salekhard pass command and staff doctrines
On a legend, in Salekhard the driver of the car UAZ "Loaf", moving towards a roundabout down the street Brodneva, leaving on an oncoming lane, VAZ 2106 which moved towards faced the car. From blow the car cast away in a ditch. The driver who was in it and the passenger were evacuated independently, before arrival of intelligence services. As a result of road accident there was a car ignition a Zhiguli. At ten o'clock 07 minutes on EDDS of Salekhard arrived the message on road accident. In a minute on the place of accident one fire truck left. On arrival of intelligence services open burning of the car VAZ 2106 was observed. In the car UAZ the passenger door is blocked, the driver was evacuated independently. "Yamalspas's" rescuers by means of the special equipment evacuated the victim. It was delivered in Salekhard district clinical hospital. In 5 minutes after arrival of fire guard the car the Zhiguli was completely extinguished. As a result of road accident 1 person suffered, victims aren't present. The cause of accident and a damage are established.

According to Sergey Burdygin, the 1st deputy head of Salekhard and the chairman of KChS of the city, the practical stage of command and staff doctrines in Salekhard is estimated on 4 points from five. But the adjusted total of KShU will be brought on Friday March 16.

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