The inspector of police Gubkinsky is threatened with term for beating of the driver

The inspector of police Gubkinsky is threatened with term for beating of the driver
The Muravlenkovsky interdistrict investigatory department of SOU СКР on Yamal-Nenets autonomous region has filed criminal charges concerning the inspector of traffic police OMVD of Russia on a city Gubkinsky. As have informed in the press-service of SOU СКР on YANAO, it is suspected of excess of powers of office with violence application.

According to the investigation, the inspector of police near to a highway Surgut – Salekhard, being at execution of functions, has stopped the driver of the car. Obviously falling outside the limits the powers and without having the bases provided by the law, it has put to the automobile owner some blows, including a foot, having done last heavy harm to health.

Now circumstances happened are established, criminal case investigation proceeds.

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