Yamalman will be brought to justice for a bribe to the GAI officer

Yamalman will be brought to justice for a bribe to the GAI officer
On Yamal investigation of criminal case concerning Mehmana Razzagova accused of attempt at bribery is finished.

It is during the investigation established that Razzagov on December, 23rd, 2009, operating in interests of the acquaintance, has offered the inspector of traffic police four thousand roubles for the admission through territory of a post of traffic police «Karamovsky« of the large-sized heavy truck crane «Libher ЛТМ 1080» and not write the report on an administrative offence. By transfer of money the malefactor has been detained.

Accused completely recognised the fault and petitioned for criminal case consideration in a special order of judicial manufacture. Now criminal case is directed to court for consideration in essence.

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