On New Year's Eve in settlement Gyda the woman and two children

On January, 1st at ten o'clock 45 minutes of local time for point of fire protection of village Gyda which is on southern coast of Kara sea on distance of 386 kilometers from settlement Tazovsky, have arrived the message on fire of the one-storeyed two-flat inhabited wooden house along the street Molokova. In 4 minutes fire profits on a scene. At the moment of arrival of sentry on duty open burning of kitchen of one apartment and smoke blanketing of the second apartment was observed. For fire extinguishing 14 persons of staff and 2 units of a special equipment have been involved. During fire extinguishing 2 persons have been evacuated. Because of difficult weather conditions (air temperature-19 degrees, a strong wind) firemen long time struggled with fire. Fire liquidation was at 14 o'clock 42 minutes of local time. As a result of a fire the woman of 1974 of the river and two children was lost: 14 and 5 years. The house is destroyed completely. The Cause of death of people and a damage are established.

Be careful at the reference with fire

On the statistican over 50 percent of fires occur in apartment houses. About 90 percent of our fellow countrymen perish from fire and a smoke in the houses and apartments. Basically all incidents begin because of carelessness of tenants.

That it hasn't occurred, listen to our councils:
· Be vigilant, including any electrodevice. Irons, tiles and electric kettles should stand on a fireproof support, and electroheaters – far away from furniture, bed and curtains.
· If at you houses shabby electroconducting, are damaged sockets, don't wait for a fire, invite the expert. Don't trust their repair to casual people. Such economy can cost much to you.
· Remember that it is impossible to include in one socket at once some electrodevices. From an overload of networks there can be a short circuit.
· Being at home, constantly look after work of electrodevices, especially heaters and TVs. Leaving the house even for some minutes, necessarily them switch off.

Good advice to the smoker:
· avoid smoking in bed, especially before a dream;
· extinguish a cigaret only in an ashtray and don't put its not extinguished on table edge;
· remember: a stub flying from above – real threat for your balcony and dwelling. If it is difficult to agree with smoking the neighbor, present to it an ashtray.

Especially preserve against danger of a fire of children.
Kids should be afraid of matches and not have to them access. Children is more senior teach to use the TV and a gas cooker. For kitchen it is better to get.

If nevertheless there was a trouble, call by phone «01» or «112», call to the aid neighbors or passers-by.

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