In Nadym the fire has left without a roof over the head 49 persons

On December, 9th at 16 o'clock 10 minutes of local time for the panel of the person on duty of fire protection of Nadym have arrived the message on a fire in the wooden two-storeyed apartment house sheathed by a metal siding along the street the Finnish complex, 5. The house consists of two cases, in each of which on twelve apartments.
In 4 minutes the first fire sentry in number of 18 persons led by the chief of service of a firefighting the major of internal service Maxim Melnikovym has arrived to a call place. Dense smoke blanketing of an entrance of the first case was observed, tongues of flame escaped from the house. Raised third number of complexity of fire extinguishing has been declared. For suppression have been involved more than 150 fire Nadym garrisons of fire protection and 13 units of a special equipment.
Firemen of Nadym garrison: the chief of sentry the lieutenant of internal service Prokudin D.V., the commander of branch the ensign of internal service Borisov A.M., the senior fire younger sergeant of internal service Mudarisov I.N., the chief of sentry the second lieutenant of internal service Vyhanskij A.M., the assistant to the chief of sentry the ensign of internal service Skopintsev E.V., the senior fire senior sergeant of internal service Rudoj A.V., the fire younger sergeant of internal service Antonov E.A. and others, evacuated 27 persons from two cases.
During fire extinguishing in an accident ward of Nadym central regional hospital three tenants of the burning house have addressed: two women of 53 both 48 years, and the man of 37 years. The Pjatidesjatitryohletnjaja woman is in resuscitation, at other victims a moderate severity level condition.
At 16 o'clock 30 minutes of local time in GU «CUKS the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia on YANAO» has been developed an emergency response center which coordinated actions of forces and means on fire liquidation in Nadym along the street the Finnish complex, 5. The deputy chief of Central administrative board of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia on YANAO colonel Sergey Sysoyev headed work of a staff.
At 16 o'clock 55 minutes have occurred a collapse of the first case. Because of a high column of fire, the flame has gone over on a roof of the standing case second by a number. Fire has captured a case and overlapping roof. In an accident ward one more victim, the man of 30 years has been delivered.
At 16 o'clock 55 minutes have occurred a collapse of the first case. Because of a high column of fire, the flame has gone over on a roof of the standing case second by a number. Fire has captured a case and overlapping roof. In an accident ward one more victim, the man of 30 years has been delivered.
As a result of a fire there were without a roof over the head 49 persons. They are placed on relatives and friends. The management company of available housing "Gazteploenergoremont" declares gathering of things and money resources peopels.
At 21 o'clock 10 minutes the first liquidation of a fire has been declared, and at 22 o'clock 35 minutes the second liquidation of a fire has been declared. Now on a scene 15 persons of staff and 2 tankers which carry out control over designs and residual buildings work. There is an assemblage of the fire-technical arms participating in liquidation of a fire.
On December, 10th in 9 o'clock in the morning the meeting with Administration MO the city of Nadym on placing in available housing of Nadym will take place.
The central administrative board of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia on YANAO asks to render the feasible help погорельцам. On December, 10th in 9 o'clock in the morning the meeting with Administration MO the city of Nadym on placing погорельцев in available housing of Nadym will take place. The central administrative board of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia on YANAO asks to render the feasible help погорельцам.
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