New Urengoj prepares for a high water

New Urengoj prepares for a high water
In spite of the fact that the spring on the Far North is the phenomenon natural, instead of calendar, in New Urengoe preparation for a high water has already begun.

So, to heads of the organisations located on a city territory, till May, 1st, 2010 it is necessary to organise clearing of snow and наледи roofs of office buildings and subordinated objects, and also territories adjoining to them with export of snezhno-ice formations in snowstore.

Also, with a view of the prevention of flooding of floor spaces, heads of the trade enterprises located in basement floors, till May, 1st, 2010 should organise work on clearing of snow of adjoining territories.

Besides, in a city, according to the confirmed plan of measures under the admission of a spring high water, will be areas of possible flooding are specified and taken on the special control. Also it is supposed to inspect a condition of bridge constructions and to provide their readiness for the accident-free admission of flood waters.

The special attention will be given a question of clearing of snow and наледи roofs of apartment houses and office buildings, educational institutions and city streets, — the press-service of administration of New Urengoja informs.

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