Roads of Yamal prepare for spring high waters

Roads of Yamal prepare for spring high waters
Highways of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region, including bridges, prepare for spring high waters. Employees of department of transport of region will spend pilot survey, will check up safe routes of transportation of passengers through Ob and will begin strengthening of tracks.

In a high water it is planned to organize daily monitoring of a road condition.

Important part actions — the organization of safe transportation of passengers through Ob by means of cross-country vehicles on air cushions. The commission of department of transport and a road economy will carry investigation of a route and will estimate technical readiness of "pillows".

The railway too prepares for a spring high water. Work on protection of railroad tracks against washouts and destructions is planned.

In the plan actions opening from snow of ditches and ditches, formation of reserve structures with rubble for liquidation of washouts and floodings, and also personnel training is planned.

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