Between Salekhard and Labytnangami modernize a ferry

Experts of department of transport and road economy of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region have started working out of the technical project on design and exploration work on modernization of places for mooring of ferries on a crossing Salekhard — Labytnangi.
During reconstruction expansion existing, their asphalting, replacement of barriers, installation of video registrars and external illumination is planned. Also on the right and left coast of Ob there will be pavilions for passengers and ramps for people with the limited possibilities.
Experts notice that expansion will allow to provide uninterrupted and safe work of a crossing. Some ferries that will give the chance to organize effectively as free transportations for passengers and automobile transport, and transportation commercial can approach to places for mooring at once.
Let's remind, last year for maintenance of the unobstructed transport message for inhabitants of the cities of Salekhards and Labytnangi the ferry became for the first time free for passengers and automobile transport (on transport — with the resolved maximum weight to 3, 5 tons). For four months of navigation crossing services have used about 130 thousand passengers, it is transported almost 250 thousand units of automobile and cargo technics. For comparison, in 2010 these figures were much less: about 100 thousand passengers and hardly more than 150 thousand cars.
«In connection with expected continuation of growth of a volume of passenger traffic there is a requirement for increase in frequency of flights and quantity of the ferries having possibility to moor simultaneously. To it expansion can provide technical possibility only. Now we prepare the technical project on design and exploration work. Following step will be the competition announcement on which the contractor will be defined, ready to execute the project for the technical project», — the director of department of transport and a road economy Dmitry Varakin hasn'ted.
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