Crossing through Ob between Labytnangami and Salekhard on power control

Crossing through Ob between Labytnangami and Salekhard on power control
Today results of work of the antimonopoly commission on presence of infringements of principles of a competition, unreasonable tariffs and legality of carrying out of competition for choice a carrier on a crossing of Labytnangi – Salekhard – Labytnangi became known. After realization of all necessary checks by employees UFAS on YANAO infringements on carrying out of competitive selection of a carrier on a ferry it is not revealed. Tariffs for transportations are at the moment similar last year's. And for cars with the resolved maximum weight to 3,5 tons and for pedestrians, thanks to grants from the district budget, free transportation is organized.

Control over work of an official carrier "Resky-tjumen" from department of transport YANAO and GKU «Management of transport YANAO» is provided up to the mark. The crossing works in a regular mode. Transportation of passengers and technics is carried out without failures.

Nevertheless, infringements of the law on competition protection are seen in actions of management of transport YANAO. It is a question of one point in the contract, concerning definitions of terms of work of a carrier on a crossing. The transport management can appeal against against the given decision within two weeks.

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