To the Yamal taxi drivers will forbid to work

To the Yamal taxi drivers will forbid to work
From the first day of new year all Yamal taxi drivers should have permissions to transportation of passengers and luggage. It provides the federal law from April, 21st, 2011 N69-FZ «About modification of separate acts of the Russian Federation». The document settles questions of the organization of transportations of passengers and luggage by an automobile taxi in territory of subjects of the Russian Federation.

On Yamal the law «About transport service of the population by an automobile taxi in territory YANAO» is developed. On October, 19th current year at session of Legislative Assembly of district it has been considered and accepted in the first reading.

It is planned that the department on interaction with federal public authorities and world justice YANAO will be the representative on delivery of permissions to taxi drivers. The state power Executive office will grant licenses for a period of five years.

According to the document, the legal body or the individual businessman, transporting, will be obliged to have the corresponding permission which will operate only in territory of that region, the authorized which body it has given out.

Till January, 1st of 2012 licenses will stand out free of charge, since January, 1st 2013 it is necessary to pay for them. The estimated cost will make hardly more than two thousand roubles.

In the document it is said that the automobile taxi should take place the state checkup each six months. Thus the carrier will be obliged to carry out control of a technical condition of automobile taxi before departure on a line, and also to provide passage by drivers of pretrip medical inspection. The law provides also obligatory presence of a taximeter in car salon.

Transportation of passengers and luggage the automobile vehicle used for rendering of services in transportation of passengers and luggage, the driver who does not have at the permission to realization of activity on transportation of passengers and luggage by an automobile taxi, — will entail imposing of the administrative penalty on the driver at a rate of five thousand roubles. The similar sum of the penalty is provided for management of a vehicle on which the scheme of an automobile taxi is illegally.

It is planned that control over activity of legal bodies and the individual businessmen, rendering services in transportation of passengers and luggage an automobile taxi, will be carried out by Service on supervision of a technical condition of self-propelled cars and other kinds of technics of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region.

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