On Yamal prepare program for employment of students

The authorities JANAO develop the special program for employment of students for 2011-2015. Its basic difference from similar, working in district territory earlier, that students or pupils of professional colleges can found a job on a speciality from 3-4 courses. The program develop across all Russia on the instructions of the president of the Russian Federation, have told in the press-service of the governor of Yamal.

The given program also will help to provide more active participation in it large employers and will facilitate loading on the budget.

The director of department of formation YANAO Irina Sidorov has noticed that next week in Ekaterinburg there will pass conference on the given theme where deeper discussion of similar questions with other regions UrFo is planned. And for February, 10th in New Urengoe exit session of Legislative Assembly JANAO on which questions of formation of modern professional formation with the largest employers of region will be brought up is planned.

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