The Yamal community is included in the encyclopedia

The Yamal organization "Dyanki-Koy" is included in the encyclopedia «Best people of Russia»
The head of tribal community "Dyanki-Koy" Galina Ilyimovna Sergeyeva — the known person in the city the Gubkinsky and Purovsky area. In 1998 the head of administration of the city Gubkinsky invited Galina Ilmovna to a position of the expert in affairs of the people of the North, and now it — indisputable authority concerning national policy.
The sort of wood Nenets Pyak lives in flood plains of the rivers Pur-P and Pyaku-Pur from time immemorial. "Pyak" (it and Galina Ilmovna's maiden name) in the Purovsky area is connected with a root a set топонимов. The contemporary history of a sort Pyak began with Munameta Taychivich Pyak. At the end of the century before last early remained without parents the orphan could increase the herd to 2500 deer. During collectivization M. N. Pyak's sons — Katuli, Panchi, Hynka and Ilm entered collective farm of March 8. Their work was repeatedly noted by various government awards.
In 2001 to keep culture of wood Nenets, Galina Ilmovna Sergeyeva together with brothers Hovka Ilmovich and Enksya Ilmovich made the decision to create Dyanki-Koy non-profit organization. Settlements of a community are located in all territory of the Purovsky area. In total 38 people enter into a community, total number of deer in herds — about 1000. «We make the goods of national art crafts from fur, a bone and a tree, we make national clothes, plagues, sledge and a harness» — G.I.Sergeyeva tells.
Keeping national traditions and customs, a sort Pyak doesn't refuse and the civilization benefits: today in everyone to plague there is an electricity developed by figurative stations generators. Keeping a cervine team as a national vehicle, for fast movement on a long distance reindeer breeders use snowmobiles, put on boats petrol the motor.
Without the aid of the state, regional and private organizations "Dyanki-Koy" hardly would reach such successes. Many officials and businessmen are sponsors of the actions which are taking place in a framework of implementation of the program «Culture, the language, a traditional way of life of the indigenous small people of the North», and it means signing of new contracts on the help in realization of the goods of national crafts and the organization of folklore holidays that promotes preservation of a traditional way of life of wood Nenets.
The encyclopedia «Best people of Russia» leaves within the international project «Best people». Along with Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine take part in the project. Photo source
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