Rhoda Rosa passed at height

Rhoda Rosa passed at height
Young mother gave birth to the first-born in the sky on the way to maternity hospital where a brigade of doctors and pilots hurried to deliver it from the tundra. In honor of the pilot the 19-year-old girl named the kid Vitaly.

The call in the Center of medicine of accidents of Salekhard arrived from Bovanenkovo's remote region: people reported that at the daughter of reindeer breeders Rosa Hudi fights began, and plagues of a family is far in the tundra.

To the aid of the woman in labor the Mi-8 helicopter with a brigade of doctors onboard urgently took off.
To find the dwelling of the girl it appeared not easy, we found it only after the third landing, - were told by the doctor-neonatolog of the center Natalia Fadeeva. - Future mother urgently lifted aboard and departed back, we hoped to manage to deliver it in maternity hospital in 2,5 hours of a way.

However the kid, hurrying to be born, had absolutely other plans. The brigade of doctors had to deliver directly in air. The child was born at height of 300 meters. The boy was born strong and healthy and right there announced the shout a helicopter cabin.

In my flight practice such was for the first time, - are told by the 55-year-old commander of crew Vitaly Galushko. - When I, sitting at a steering wheel, heard its crying, itself didn't begin to cry nearly with happiness!

After a landing the Rose and her kid brought to delivery room of the perinatal center.

Earlier I wanted to name the son Grisha, but already in the helicopter changed the mind and named Vitalik in honor of the commander, - are told by happy mother. - Now I dream, that my boy grew and too became the pilot.

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