On Yamal helicopter MI-8T has fallen

On December, 19th at 11 o'clock 00 minutes of local time airline "Yamal" helicopter MI-8T was wrecked. The helicopter made flight on a route «Salekhard – Se-Jaha - Sabbeta». It has fallen, without reaching 300 meters filling station on 267 km from Salekhard in the Yamal area. Onboard there were 3 crewmen and 15 passengers.

In Central administrative board of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia on YANAO the emergency response center is organized.

At 14 o'clock 30 minutes of local time helicopter MI-8 of airline "Yamal" with three physicians onboard villages to the place of helicopter MI-8 wreck, Physicians have confirmed  destruction of the commander of crew and have carried investigation of a state of health of 15 passengers and 2 crewmen. All passengers don't need medical aid and are ready to continue a way to destination. Around 18 hours of local time they will be delivered to Salekhard. Airline "Yamal" organizes protection of the helicopter which was wrecked. The reason of a crash of helicopter is found out.

In Central administrative board of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia on YANAO phone work «hot line» - 8 (349 22) 3 22 11 where relatives can learn the information on members of the helicopter is organized.

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