On February, 15th - Day of memory of soldiers-internationalists

21 one year ago, on February, 15th, 1989, the limited contingent of the Soviet armies has definitively been deduced from Afghanistan. There served and the best sons of our country executed the Native land order. Unfortunately, not all have come back home. This day on all country will pass meetings in memory of those children who rose to the utmost and went forward. By tradition man and women will come to school №1 by which Vladimir Orla's name — the soldier-internationalist who was lost during operations in Afghanistan is appropriated. Every year pupils and teachers of this school, collectives of other educational institutions, deputies of the Municipal duma, representatives of the City administration, a military registration and enlistment office, soldiers-internationalists gather at a memorial board of the lost hero to pay a tribute of respect to all who served in that far-away country and to recollect those who has not returned from that war.

In the city of Labytnangi live 60 participants of the Afghani events. Many of them still on service. Here 17 years in Labytnansgkom department of internal affairs Jury Belikov serves. «Responsible, diligent, exacting to itself», — so characterise its colleagues. Jury Belikov — the owner of a sign «Honours pupil of militia», medals «For faultless service» 3 and 2nd degrees. Repeatedly its hard daily work was encouraged with management ГОВД, Department of Internal Affairs JANAO and cities. On a fatherly example of service to Fatherland in a family of Belikovyh two sons grow up.

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