In the Krasnoselkupsky area the barge with motor transport sank

On September 12 at 06 o'clock 27 minutes is registered by Investigatory department of the Krasnoselkupsky area of investigatory management of Investigatory committee of the Russian Federation of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug incident that on 337 km of the river Basin, below on a current from the village Krasnoselkup the MP-285 barge, loaded motor transport sank. Loss of human life aren't present.
At scene survey by the inspector circumstances of an event are established: the barge received a hole about a stone plait on 335 km, captains and command of the towed motor ships GP-56 and GP-35, belonging to JSC Yamalgeoflot, felt a push, but due survey of the barge didn't make. And only through one and a half kilometer from a place of receiving a hole when visually it became visible that the barge strongly tilted, they made the decision to stick to the coast. But the taken measures any more didn't help and towed cargo sank. Depth of the river in this place makes 6-7 meters.
It is established that on the barge motor transport was transported: 3 cars Kamaz, 1 car Kraz, 1 Urals car, 1 car Toyota, 1 car Allion's Toyota and Foltsvagen Passat's car. The general damage exceeds 10 million rubles.
In actions of captains and commands of towed motor ships are provided crime signs according to p.1 Art. 263 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (Violation of the rules of traffic safety and operation of a railway, air, sea and inland water transport and the underground if these acts entailed causing of a large damage on imprudence).
Now the consequence establishes all circumstances of incident.
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