Responsible for flooding of the barge on the river, are fined 2500 rubles
During the investigation the Gosmorrechnadzor of transport incident which occurred in Yamal-Nenets independent округеs on the river Basin, it is established that the GT-56 motor ship with the MP-285 barge left in flight port Tazovsky with rough violations of standard and legal documents on safety of navigation. The deputy chief of department of supervision of navigation and navigation reported about it Ob - Irtysh management of the state sea and river supervision of the Federal Service for Transport Supervision Mikhail Buryan.
He specified that on a vessel there were no the existing documents of the Russian River Register defining the validity of a vessel to swimming, the crew of a vessel wasn't completed properly (were absent the captain and ordinary structure), a deposit of a vessel didn't correspond to the actual dimensions of a ship course on this site.
On September 11, 2012 the GT-56 motor ship with the MP-285 barge on a tow followed from the settlement Tazovsky Tolka to the settlement with cargo of construction materials and cars. When passing rift on 334 km of the river Basin owing to the wrong choice of a course of movement, the MP-285 barge fell outside the limits a ship course, received an underwater hole and partially sank. Cargo suffered.
The damage put to owners of cargo, makes roughly 25 million roubles.
The director of Yamalgeoflot didn't provide safe practice of operation of vessels, namely, properly didn't provide completion of crew of the GT-56 motor ship and allowed a vessel exit in flight without ship documents, including vessels confirming a technical condition (there were no RRR documents defining the validity of a vessel to swimming). It is involved in administrative responsibility as regards 1 article 11.13 «Violation of the rules of release of a vessel in swimming or the admission to management of a vessel of the persons which do not have the corresponding diploma (the certificate, the certificate) or being in a state of intoxication» with KOAP of Russia and fined 1500 rub.
The senior assistant to the captain of the GT-56 motor ship allowed a structure exit out of limits of a ship course with the subsequent blow about separate stony educations. It is involved in administrative responsibility as regards 1 article 11.7 «Swimming violation of the rules» with KOAP and fined 1000 rub.
On materials of business unplanned inspection of the enterprise will be carried out.
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