The inspectorate for small size vessels keeps order on water

The inspectorate for small size vessels keeps order on water
On July 1 inspectors of the State inspectorate for small size vessels of Head department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia across the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug carried out joint raid with journalists on identification of violators on water. Time was chosen not casually: the Sunday, the second half of day, at this particular time on water gather fans of motor boats and small boats.

In May, 2012 the federal law from April 24 of 2012 g No. 36 which made for the first time exact definition and concept of the small size vessel came into force. According to the law, the small size vessel is the vessel, long no more than 20 meters, and the number of passengers shouldn't exceed 12 people. As the state inspector in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug on small size vessels Alexander Makarov told the main thing, - are now on coordination a number of documents on certification of boatmasters and registration of small size vessels. After the introduction of these acts in validity, to small size vessels the class formula, depending on category of a boat or a motor boat, deck or not a deck vessel, and also admissible number of passengers .

Leaving on water, the boatmaster should not forget with itself all necessary. The Sudovoditelsky rights, the ship ticket and the coupon with the corresponding mark about passing of technical inspection. And, besides, the water vessel should be equipped with necessary saving and technical property. If everything is all right, in a way! And no inspector on a way precisely is terrible!

Raids and patrol by employees of GIMS are spent every day. So to remain unnoticed with violators it will not turn out. According to the senior state inspector, the head of Salekhard office Anatoly Chezganov's GIMS Center the main violations are absence of technical inspection of vessels, and also absence of the right of management of them. During the carried-out raid 1 protocol was made. And absence of checkup and as a result, a penalty in 500 rubles became violation.

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