Yamal – among the best across Russia

In Salekhard in Management of the state housing inspection Yamal-Nenets autonomous region the meeting on work summarizing for 2011 has taken place. Experts of inspection and the deputy heads of inspection working in municipal unions of autonomous region have taken part in action.
According to the head of inspection, the main state housing inspector of JANAO Ilshata Chanysheva, from the beginning of year housing inspectors of region have considered and have solved positively more than five hundred complaints peoples. Together with autonomous region Office of Public Prosecutor it is spent about hundred fifty planned checks of management companies.
«More often ямальцы complain of the available housing maintenance, granting of poor-quality utilities, and at times and on their absence. – Ilshat Chanyshev has told. – the quantity of the references connected with a recognition of habitation unsuitable for residing» Recently has increased, - he hasn'ted.
Let's remind that the basic functions of the state housing inspection is regional state control in sphere of the housing legislation. In particular, control over activity of the operating organizations. Housing inspection supervises use of the general property of proprietors of premises in apartment houses, realization of actions for preparation of available housing for a cold season, observance of requirements of the legislation on power savings and about increase of power efficiency in autonomous region territory...
For example in the city of Nadym within 2010-2011 in all municipal enterprises and establishments incandescence lamps on power saving up lamps have been gradually replaced.
Besides, within the limits of the competence manufacture on affairs about administrative offenses is carried out. All 47 state functions concern powers
«It is assured, as following the results of all year we will be among the best housing inspections of the country» , – Ilshat Chanyshev has told.
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