For default of the instruction of Goszhilinspektsii of the head of the municipal company have deprived of freedom

Twelve days of arrest - punishment for the head of management company NP «housing and communal services Reform» for default of instructions Goszhilinspektsii became such.
As have informed in the State housing inspection YANAO, about elimination of infringements of requirements by rules and norms of the maintenance of available housing UK «housing and communal services Reform» inspection has given out the instruction on June, 23rd, 2011 by results of off-schedule check. However after a month, at repeated inspection, it has appeared that any point of the instruction is executed and wasn't. In particular, the centers of defeats aren't removed by wood house fungi of socle overlapping, as is undertaken nothing concerning destruction of piles, a divergence of the lock of fastening of bearing beams among themselves etc.
As a result of inactivity of the head of the municipal company, the decision of the chief of Salekhard department of state housing inspection YANAO, head УК has been involved in administrative responsibility and punished by the penalty in the sum of five thousand roubles. However the originator and hasn't paid the penalty. Then the decision of already world judge of head NP «housing and communal services Reform» have arrested for 12 days.
Off-schedule checks of Goszhilinspektsiej YANAO are spent exclusively on the basis of references of citizens. Including by phone of "a hot line» 8(34922) 3-95-95. In total for last nine months for infringements of requirements of the housing legislation Yamal Goszhilinspektsii it is written out penalties almost on 3 million roubles from them at present by infringers it is paid hardly more 1,3 million roubles.
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