In New Urengoe there was a crash landing of the lit up plane

In New Urengoe there was a crash landing of the lit up plane
Today, on October, 14th, 2011, approximately at 11 o'clock 50 minutes local time in city airport of New Urengoja the passenger plane TU-134 belonging to airline "Yamal" has crash-landed. Aboard there were 67 passengers and 7 crewmen. In a few minutes to a scene firemen, police and the first help have left. At 12 o'clock 01 minute evacuation of people has passed safely in city airport New Urengoj. In connection with the occurred failure employees of New Urengojsky investigatory division of the Ural investigatory management on transport of Investigatory committee of the Russian Federation have left on a scene for finding-out of circumstances.

According to preliminary data, the plane the message «New Urengoj-Salehard» has made a departure from city airport of New Urengoja at 11 o'clock 40 minutes local time. Later 10 minutes after launch there was a malfunction of the left engine, not excepting ignition to what traces закопчения testify. Shortly before incident passengers of the aircraft heard a clap in salon of the plane, the press-service of the Ural investigatory management on transport of Investigatory committee informs

The plane has safely made landing at the airport of New Urengoja. Dangerous cargoes onboard wasn't available, as a result of incident nobody has suffered.

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